Change Your Career In As Little As One Week
Wildcats are known for their "Bear Down" determination. If you have that Wildcat spirit and are ready to "Bear Down" and move up in your career, these programs can help you do it quickly.
Move up in one week
Network+ certification is the hallmark of a competent networking professional. It is also a great starting point for a career in IT. You can earn additional CompTIA credentials as you gain knowledge and experience. Class meets February 16-19, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. via Zoom.
Security+ certification designates knowledgeable professionals in the field of security. It is one of the baseline certifications required for federal government or contractor IT roles, and it is one of the top-requested certifications in Arizona IT job postings. Class meets February 22-26, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. via Zoom.
Each of these intensive week-long trainings include:
- 40 hours of live online instruction from an industry subject matter expert
- A voucher to take your CompTIA certification exam
- One year of access to self-paced online training, in case you need a refresher at any point
Have a little more time?
These programs are not quite as intensive, but they can still be completed in less than three months:
- SHRM Certification Exam Prep: certify your Human Resources expertise by earning the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP credential. You'll be ready to take your SHRM certification exam right in time for the SHRM Spring Exam Window that opens in May.
- Full-Time Coding Boot Camp: become a full-stack web developer in only twelve weeks.
- Paralegal Certificate: earn a Paralegal certificate this spring. Attend live online lectures on weekend mornings and complete your work on your own time the rest of the week. Live Lecture Paralegal Certificate course starts February 27.
- CISSP® Exam Prep: get ready to pass the challenging Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) exam in two weeks, April 5-16. Class meets Monday-Friday, noon-4 p.m.
CISSP is a registered certification mark of (ISC)², Inc.